Bell Mobility Scam Call

I recieved a phone call yesterday that I didn't immediately recognize as a scam call. I want to document it here in case anyone else comes across it.

The backstory here is that, for the last month, I've been ignoring a few calls a week from a phone number that has the same area code and prefix as my own number. I answered one call a few weeks back, and it was Bell Mobility (my cell provider), offering a device upgrade. I explained to them that I had just upgraded my phone at the Apple Stor and wasn't interested in upgrading yet again.

Since then, I'd been ignoring that number, but when it called again yesterday I answered. I was actually hoping they could help me combine by cell phone bill and internet bill into one (since I use Bell for both).

However, the salesperson told me he was from Bell, and told me that I was going to receive a 30% discount from my monthly bill for the next year, because I've paid my bill on time every month for so many years. This seemed unreasonably altruistic, but so far, I didn't really suspect much because he wasn't asking for any information. He did ask about how much my monthly bill currently is, which raised my suspicions.

But then he went on to say that as a loyal customer, I was elligible to receive either a new Apple Watch or iPad. This really put me on guard, so I asked a few more details about the watch, and searched online while he talked and found that this is a common scam, specifically with Bell Mobility.

I also asked for some details about this promotion, and was told that Bell is doing this to retain customers and remain competitive.

At this point, the guy was asking me for a postal code, and I told him I don't give out personal info over the phone as a rule. He commended me on this, but reminded me that he isn't selling anything and I'm not buying anything. I insisted that I wouldn't do anything over the phone, and asked if I could get this offer by going into my local Bell store. He mumbled something and then hung up.

Careful out there, folks. I really hate that so many daily interactions have to be treated with such suspicion.